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Packaging for berries: a new way to protect our delicious small red fruits... and the planet!

This article was kindly brought to us by : Carton pack S.p.A.

Market interest in soft fruits, also known as berries, is constantly growing. This is evidenced by the sudden growth of market data both in value and in volume, but above all by the appeal to the consumer who loves to taste them in multiple recipes. Their great success is due to the health benefits, such as the high content of flavonoids, C vitamin and folic acid.

It is not surprising that "berries" are also the most social fruits, thanks to their colors and their photogenic they obtain numbers ranging from 5.1 million posts for #blueberry, 4.7 million posts for #berries and 3.9 million posts for #blueberries .

Blueberries, blackberries, raspberries… People increasingly appreciate fruits that are low in sugar and full of vitality!
Blueberries, blackberries, raspberries… People increasingly appreciate fruits that are low in sugar and full of vitality!

These are the reasons why it is increasingly important to experiment with new packaging solutions for these products, to give them the right visibility, the ideal portion for every consumption need and the correct protection and conservation in terms of shelf life and product integrity, perhaps attributing an ethical and social value to a product of high commercial value.

Carton Pack, thanks to its global experience in the packaging of fresh products, has developed some innovative solutions and alternatives to the standards following the strategic approach of "sustainable thinking", considering global sustainability as a fundamental value of the product mix.

The first project is Social Plastic® with Plastic Bank which deals with recovering plastic from the beaches and the environment of developing countries such as Haiti, the Philippines, Indonesia and Brazil, preventing pollution of the seas and oceans. An initiative aimed at improving the living conditions of people from emerging countries where plastic pollution is highest.

It is the beginning of a new business model that is grafted into the vision of a circular economy, using existing resources and creating a new welfare for emerging countries, offering job opportunities to populations in serious socio-economic difficulty, and recovering waste which are transformed into new raw materials. Carton Pack is the first in the fresh produce market, to give a completely new value to recycled plastic, Social Plastic®, with a more decisive action towards environmental and social sustainability in compliance with the objectives set by the United Nations Organization.

The new C250KTS and H model are made with 100% Social Plastic® recycled raw material which guarantees to our customer a very high quality product without any difference in terms of structural resistance and product protection.

The C25KTS and H Social Plastic® models are suitable for berries and cherry tomatoes, they can be used for both lidding and heat sealing solutions. They are also available in a wide range of height measurements, and also fit Europool, IFCO standards and cardboard boxes 8/6 pieces in 30x40 and 16/12 pieces in the 40x60 format (single layer).

C250KTS + H40/H50
C250KTS + H40/H50.

It’s a recognizable rPET product, even by the end user, they are marked on the bottom, allowing an easy understanding of the intrinsic values ​​of the product purchased, which becomes the vehicle of a new circular economy. From a marketing point of view, the Social Plastic® models meet the sentiments of modern society, strongly committed to environmental protection and social solidarity.

A fantastic innocation for berries
A fantastic innovation for berries

The second project concerns the CartonShell, the cardboard alternative to the well-known rPet clamshell . This patented model has a strong resistance to humidity, particular characteristics of structural strength and lends itself perfectly to automated packaging processes in standard filling and closing lines. Cartonshell® is perfectly stackable and is suitable for cardboard boxes, Europool and IFCO standards.

The future of the packaging for berries... No doubt!
The future of the packaging for berries... No doubt!

The materials used are cardboard and cellophane film that may be completely recycled as paper being made up of 100% cellulosic material.

By exploiting the diversification of using highly recyclable materials, Carton Pack continues to offer some market innovative solutions to respond to market transformation, with the aim of reducing the environmental impact of packaging.

Therefore, the proposals and projects that Carton Pack will carry out in the future will increasingly involve the use of properly managed material in the recovery and recycling process.

For more detail contact : CARTON PACK S.p.A.

Headquarter & Registered Office:

Via Adelfia, Z.I. - 70018 Rutigliano (Bari) Italy

Phone: +39 080 477 1440 • Fax: +39 080 477 1420

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