China: Ningxia is expecting the new Goji berry season soon
Due to the long distance, high prices and the fact that raspberries are not really popular among the Chinese population, very little of this fruit is imported. Raspberries are grown only in a few villages and the harvest is currently just starting. However, these are intended for tourists, and not for trade.
In China, Goji berries are much more popular. During the coronavirus crisis, the berry's sales in the country came almost to a complete halt. Exports stopped for a month, but have been picking up again since May. Exports were sold for around 8-9 USD / kg to the US and for 10-11 Euro / k
g to the European market, so prices were at the same level as last year. There is currently a high demand for Goji berries from the overseas market. The product is being sold quickly, and there isn't a lot in stock. Some sizes are already sold out; however, the new season is underway with good harvest conditions in Ningxia's main production region. Black Goji berries are becoming increasingly popular, especially in Japan.
North America: Small stocks, prices up in Canada due to higher production cost Blackberries The stock of blackberries is small at the moment. Mexico has just finished the campaign, and Georgia only started supplying the market last week. A trader expects Georgia to remain on the market for a month. Stocks remain small. Besides Georgia, there is also a small volume from North Carolina and year-round supply from Guatemala. In California, volumes are expected to peak around the end of June. The prospect is that they will exceed those of 2019 due to an expansion in the acreage. In the fall there is a second harvest that starts in August and peaks in September. In the past two months, the situation has been tough for blackberries due to low prices, and many traders have stopped importing from Mexico. The demand is now increasing again, with slightly higher prices than last year.
Redcurrant Redcurrants are not very popular in the US, so the production is small. They are bought fresh by Europeans in the country, but are otherwise processed into jams and jellies.
Raspberries In California, the spring harvest is currently peaking and the production levels are expected to be comparable to last year's. Besides the production from Watsonville, California, supplies also arrive from Mexico. The raspberry market is very volatile, with prices dropping to $ 10-12 / kg (8.90-10.70 Euro) and suddenly rising again to $ 18-24 / kg (16-21.40 Euro). The demand for raspberries has been very different this year due to the coronavirus, which makes it difficult to assess, but the market seems to be picking up again.
In British Columbia, it will take a few more weeks for the season to begin. The volumes are small and the domestic production should be in high demand. "If the demand is comparable to that of strawberries this year, then we're good," says a grower from the region. In Canada, the price is expected to rise by 20-25% due to the higher production costs; partly a consequence of the coronavirus protocols, but also of the fact that the cost price of soft fruit has been increasing for a number of years.
Mexico: Abnormal price fluctuations on the market, even before corona May is the peak season for raspberry harvesting in Central Mexico. For blackberries, it is April. Mexico has had some problems with the workers on the field, but stocks have generally remained stable. The main season for raspberries and blackberries is now over and things will pick up again in September, although some growers are able to supply all year round. Mexican growers have been dealing with abnormal price fluctuations on the market even before the impact of the coronavirus; however, the virus has made things worse. In any case, the season has not ended earlier than usual because of it.
Australia: Growth in cultivation for the domestic market Even though the peak of the season is reached in the summer, a grower in South Queensland is now in the middle of his season, with large volumes and good harvest conditions in recent weeks. The company exclusively grows raspberries for a breeding program.
While Australia produces only small volumes, there was still a significant 37% increase last year. The Australian production is mainly intended for the domestic market and there is no export. It consists of raspberries (85%), blackberries (14%) and some small volumes of Boysenberries and Silvanberries. Production takes place all over the country, although mostly in the south, and it is carried out all year round.
Source : freshplazza.